Regional Survival Strategies

Because no existing resource planning, for any polity at any scale, comprises a comprehensive and ecologically plausible plan for meeting basic human needs, this project would generate such plans. These would also provide a natural basis for collective decision making structures, which could emerge at any time, but seem particularly likely in times of crisis, e.g. when food shortages begin as a result of concurrent crop failures in multiple major food-producing regions of the world. These efforts would be based on existing resource planning documents, and would begin with an inventory of needs and potential consumption based on a hierarchy of ascending resource availability. At a lowest tier would be, for instance, food, energy production sufficient to keep some medical and other vital equipment running, and other materials and processes necessary to literally facilitate survival. These plans would be spatially explicit, and provide a basis for political interventions, allowing us to offer an alternative, in conjunction with other World Tree initiatives, to extant structures—something that is particularly likely to be sought by considerable numbers during crisis.